

čtvrtek 17. 7. 2008

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Raija Pullinen (Finland) - Art and Humanity

I started this project as a part of my art studies in Tampere Polytechnic University. Before this I have worked years with different kind of groups as an occupational therapist in different kind of institutions, mainly with old people, but also with psychiatric patients and with young people. We made handicraft and art therapy. Because Ihave also studied social sciences and have interest to social issues, I chose this collective art project for my examination work.

The idea for this project is to do art together and send a message this way to other people and also politicians. We are going to have exhibitions in Finland this autumn and next spring. I chose to give a theme for this project, but leave it anyway quite free. I asked people to do paintings of something what is important to them, something they want to tell others. I also chose groups who don't get their voices heard so easily. Now I have worked with old people and young people and will continue this project with a group of migrants in October. The idea is to get people to know each other better and have their opinions to publicity. Art can speak without same language.Propably will also work with a group of young people in Sweden.

There have been collective art projects in Finland about twenty years but now they are coming increasingly. There can be projects like this and projects where forexample young people make paintings to public places. That has been used longer time in Sweden, too. People can have art projects at work, when there can be an idea to make better relationships between employees or just to have a break and a little bit fun.

While working with different kind of groups it is important to have enough knowledge of these groups and plan the projects well enough. One has to make contacts to different kind of institutions where the projects are wanted to done. It is not always easy, but when right co-operators are found, project can really begin. Usually you have to make several phone calls, send e-mails and visit different places. It is important to have good co-operation with other workers and group members, to give enough freedom, but also be as a leader if needed. During projects you can also find new co-operators for projects in future.

Working with collective art projects is very interesting. Art can really break boundaries and help people to be together more freely. People also speak more freely in this kind of situations. It can help people create better relationships. These kind of projects can also be political, when people want to send messages forexample to politicians. Then it is important to choose an exhibition place well.

If you want to have more information or contact me, please do write to: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.